commissions: closed - updated 07/12/2024


My name is Tobias/Tobi, However, I prefer to be called warden online, especially by people I don’t really know. Other names I’m okay with are Monzi, Zill, or just Z.I’m a 22-year-old artist from the US Southeast and actively aspire to be a tattoo artist in the future! As of now, I work both as a dishwasher in a large restaurant and as a pizza delivery driver on top of commission work. I also live with my partner and 3 cats!! I love them all to death!!!I’ve been in the furry community since 2007/2008 (6-7 years old through animations on YouTube before I knew what a furry was) and was heavily inspired by artists/animations like bluekyokitty, kay2036, banithekitty (now known as ezpups), and they’re the base of what I am today! I’ve been doing art since I was very young but didn’t get to start doing it digitally until I was 9-10 with an old laptop with just a trackpad and MS Paint.I'm autistic (high functioning / low support needs) and deal with manic depression on top of a list of other things both mentally and physically that I don’t like to address online, as I feel it invades me personally.I’m in the process of recovering from a 2+ish year-long severe stress/bipolar-induced psychosis episode that I’ve been working my way out of but with the support of my partner and friends it’s been a lot easier.



the following are the terms for commissioning myself (referred to as: 'the artist').by commissioning, you (referred to as: 'the client') fully accept the terms listed below, and any breach in these terms will result in immediate discontinuation of my services, and null any agreement in place. relevant action can be taken based on any breach of will agree here to the policy of using the art for personal, non-profit purposes unless otherwise stated, and provide all image credits to me.violators will be added to a blacklist indefinitely and without warning with any additional appropriate actions taken


  • Any disrespectful/ill behavior will not be tolerated and your commission will be canceled if it occurs.

  • Any harassment in an attempt to bargain for a commission (a ‘slot’) is not tolerated. This includes inappropriately worded comments on my social platforms and private messages.

  • Any aspect of work by MonZillRa may not be used to train, validate, or test any neural network or Artificial Intelligence. Doing so violates the terms against alteration.

  • I will not accept commissions from private/new accounts.

  • When commissioning me, the client must directly communicate any needs to me, the artist. I will not do your commission if I have to get your words through others.

  • I do not do private commissions. If you wish to purchase a surprise for someone, please notify me and I will not make a progress card for the mentioned piece, only after the piece is completed and approved to be public.

  • I do not work with deadlines, I am a rather slow worker (as I like to ensure everything is up to standard), and currently work 2 jobs irl.

  • Clients have 3 months to reply to update messages when their slot is reached and commission is started. Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in a partial refund depending on how far I am progress-wise and will be temporarily prohibited from commissioning me again (around 3 months).


  • The client will be expected to first read my tos and understand my general commission prices.

  • Maintain professional conduct throughout the commission process.

  • Assume responsibility for any important information and clear descriptions/references you fail to provide me that result in my inability to complete your commission to your satisfaction.

  • Clients will be expected to contact me, MonZillRa, to request any tweaks and alterations to their commission or progress updates regarding their commission. If I, Mozilla, am notified through 3rd party and not the client to me, the artist, I cannot fulfill the client's request as I will not obtain proper information about the desired alterations/fixes / etc.



  • Reserve the right to post your finished artwork in my gallery for any reason.

  • Reserve the right to decline any project or client for any reason.

  • Reserve the right to refund you the full amount paid if I no longer wish to work on your project for any reason.

  • Hold the right to use your commission as an example for future work, or in advertisements.

  • Will not claim your character(s) as my own, and will credit if I am asked.


  • Have no right to cancel or demand a refund from the artist under any circumstances after lines have been made.

  • May use your commissioned artwork for personal use, but cannot claim that you are the one who made it.

  • May repost the commission onto your social media, but you must credit me.

  • Reserve the right to print or create an otherwise physical reproduction of the artwork as long as it is for your personal use only (ie. not for sale).


  • I, MonZillRa, retain all copyright over my work, which includes the right to redistribute, reproduce, or use the image as a sample for sales or self-promotion unless otherwise agreed upon.

  • Any characters portrayed in the commissioned work remain copyrighted to their rightful owners.

  • For commercial use, you must purchase the rights from me, Mozilla, at 300% of the original price.

  • The client may not claim it as their own or use it for anything other than personal use.

  • Redistribution of my artwork for use in printed merchandise or as promotion of goods, services, or social media pages is prohibited. If you have any questions about this, ask me before commissioning me.

  • Credit is still required when using the work in any form commercially.

the following is considered copyright infringement:

  • Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially. (i.e making money from the product in any way)

  • removing any watermarks/signatures.

  • Altering the artwork without my, the artist's, consent.

  • Tracing the artwork in any way without my, monzillra's, consent or permission.

permitted use of product:

  • Crop and/or resize the image for use as an avatar, header, video thumbnail, etc.

  • Use the artwork as a reference for study.

  • Post the artwork on social media, with credit to me visible.

prohibited use of product:

  • Claim the artwork as yours.

  • Paint over or otherwise alter the artwork in ways not covered under the allowed uses above.

  • Color in my sketches or lines.

  • Reproduce the work commercially without purchasing the rights from me.



  • Turnaround time once I start on your piece varies between 2-3 days to 1-2 weeks as of June 2024, as I am no longer dealing with technical issues and have steady work scheduling. If you have concerns regarding a turnaround time, please contact me through the form below.

  • If your commission is highly detailed in any aspect, I have the right to charge a fee to include these details. This fee will be stated before the transaction, and you hold the right to make changes to your commission request (eg. change a character, or agree to simplified design changes) before the transaction is complete.

  • Please make your request concisely worded with minimal abbreviations, to make the note clear to read.

  • Any emails, private messages, and comments that you send must be in English, as it is my native language and the only language I fluently speak. I am very patient and will confirm anything if you do not fluently speak English to ensure we are on the same page.

  • Make sure you are providing all references needed for working on your commission that are clear with important design details.

payment & fees:

  • i am not responsible for any mistakes that are made on your part over the course of the transaction.

  • will only accept usd via paypal / cashapp / venmo as payment. you are responsible for making currency conversions.

  • it is expected that you deposit 100% of the price upfront before i start. No exceptions unless otherwise discussed for more expensive orders.

  • after 50% of the payment is sent, i will start sketching. the sketch will then be sent to you with heavy watermarking. you will not recieve the hq sketch until 100% of the cost is paid.

  • i will initiate the transaction to avoid accidental transactions. do not send me any kind of payment until i have confirmed i can accept your commission and have asked for payment.

  • i do not accept payment from shared paypal accounts unless you are not of legal age and use a parent/guardian’s paypal account.

  • i can work in up to 2 installments as long as it is discussed prior to sending the invoice / request.


  • I can refund 100% of the payment only if I have not started working on the sketch unless discussed and agreed otherwise by my confirmation.

  • Once I start the sketch post-transaction, you may be refunded 80% of the initial payment. Past the sketching stage, there will be no refunds.

  • If I cancel a project, I will reimburse the lost fees and refund 100%.

  • If we agree on a payment plan and I start the commission after the first deposit has been done, I will not refund your said deposit if you back out of the payment plan.

  • You may not file a chargeback against me after you have approved the artwork.

  • If a chargeback is filed, I have the right to revoke your rights to the work and repurpose your work as new pieces, and you will be named as someone to look out for when commissioning artists.


  • I will send wip (‘work in progress’) images after 100% of the payment is completed. These images will come in the form of .jpg or .png files as an attachment in the email or a DM. Stages on these wipes will be visible in my Trello.

  • I am not responsible for any unsatisfactory element of the finished design if no feedback was given to amend it.

  • Up to two major revisions can be made during the drafting/sketching phase of the commission. Only minor adjustments within reason can be made afterward.

  • Each time I send a WIP to a client, I ask the client to provide feedback to me. If no suggestions are requested the client is held responsible for dissatisfaction with incorrect details.

  • Small revisions may be done during the process of your order/after the commission is finished such as fixing small details, etc.

  • After the order is completed, minor changes such as color adjustments are allowed if the missing or inaccurate elements are my fault.


  • Commission updates can be found on my Trello, which is updated regularly.

  • You can always DM me with further questions.



any and all individuals listed here, regardless of offense, are not to be witch-hunted / harassed / stalked / etc.any and all individuals who have "personal" listed on their offenses are not to be questioned, and wish to not be involved with me, as i don't wish to be involved with them either. we want this respected, especially me.


Users here are listed permanently due to behaviors, personal experiences or the severity of their offenses, and will never be removed regardless of contact.

Indulging in feral NSFW artwork.
information here
Defending groomer; Racism; Ableism; Silencing of victims.
History of extreme stalking, Harassment, And threatening suicide; Openly phobic in many areas.


Users here are welcome to contact me whether its to reconcile, or to mutually remove each other from listings.

Mutual blacklisting
Mutual blacklisting; Personal



examples shown are from 2023 to present day


$30-$35 USD

shading optionCharacter is depicted from the shoulders up.


$45-$55 USD

shading optionThe character is depicted from mid-torso / knee up.Any pose/body expression accepted. Nsfw must have age verification. Artistic nudity permitted for stated above.


$65 - $75 USD

shading optionThe character is depicted entirely from head to toe.Any pose/body expression is accepted. NSFW must have age verification. Artistic nudity is permitted for stated above.



NO shading option+$10 USD per stickerComes with 4 stickers by default. Sticker limit is 10 per pack. Can do multiple packs for one client.Existing stickers may be sent for pose/sticker inspiration / reference.



Streaming assets/emojis/thumbnails for videos/banners / etc.The cost for commercial use (branding) is 300% of the total copst.



want a....

  • Quote on a commission?

  • Status of your current commission?

  • Notification when commissions are open again / estimate of reopening?

or have a...

  • Concern regarding my blacklist?

  • Question about my socials?

send me an email below and i'll get back to you within 2 - 72 hours! if i don't, don't be shy to poke me!

any and all messages sent through this form will be forwarded to [email protected]

if you're looking to commission me (when they're open), you can fill out the form linked below!



please fill out the template and be sure to link everything i'll need for your commission!

TYPECommission type:Shading? (only for types that come with shading):(stickers only) quantity of stickers (starts with 4 and up to 10)?:

REFERENCESCharacter reference:clothing reference:"Extras reference (backgrounds/props / etc.):Idea sketches (optional!):(stickers only): sticker references (will not be exact, this is only to help envision the final product!):

PAYMENTPayment method:Email (PayPal) / $tag (cash app):